Terms and Conditions


By using Ghfarmers.com, you agree that you are at least 18 years of age and that you agree to the terms and conditions described below as well as our privacy policy.


Subject to you complying with our terms and conditions, we grant you limited, revocable, non-transferrable, non-exclusive license to use Ghfarmers.com.


We do not review all weblinks posted on our website and are not responsible for the content of any such links. If you use any such links, you use it at your own risk. 

We are not responsible for any items purchased, sold or advertised on Ghfarmers.com, and do not make any representation concerning the reliability or accuracy of any item listed on our website. You are responsible for your safety and for verifying the accuracy of any item advertised on our site and doing your own due diligence before purchase. You are responsible for protecting your user password and login information and you are fully responsible for any activity that is done using your account login information. You agree to notify us immediately if there is any unauthorized use of your account.

We have the right to ban you from using our website if you breach the terms and conditions or post any item that is prohibited on our website. We are not liable for any loss that results from an unauthorized use of your account. You agree that your use of our website and services will not violate the rights of any other user. You will be completely responsible for any liability that results if you collect and or use information belonging to other Ghfarmers.com users, misrepresent yourself or product, or abuse any of our terms and conditions. You agree that you can only post farm animals, produce, farm equipment or farms for sale on our website:



Any dispute or claims arising from or related to these terms and conditions, will be governed by the Laws of the Republic of Ghana.


We do not provide any form of warranty for any services, purchases, sales made through or as a result of the use of our website. You agree that to the full extent permitted by the law, we are not liable for any claims or demands made by you or a third party (including attorney fee cost) in relation to your use, violation, user content, or any transaction related to your use of our website. You also agree that Ghfarmers.com and its content are provided on “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis and that you take responsibility for any direct or indirect risk or loss that comes with the use of our website. You agree that if you have any concerns that are not covered by our terms and conditions, you will first contact us to resolve the issue before taking any other steps if we are not able to resolve it. 



Photos, texts, scripts and other materials on our website, apart from materials posted by you as the user, may not be used without our permission. You grant us unlimited rights to keep copies and use information you submitted during registration on our website as necessary for our operation.

We may modify the terms and conditions at any time at our discretion. We recommend that you review the terms and conditions each time you visit the website to stay informed about any updates.


Do you have more questions? Contact us