Privacy Policy


This document provides details on the kind of data collected from users of and how we use it. The document is subject to future updates. We recommend that you review the Privacy Policy each time you visit the website to stay informed about any updates. 

 Data collected

 We collect data that users provide such as first name, last name, e-mail address and telephone number when registering on our site or posting an advert, as well as information about devices and location of access to our site including IP addresses of devices, time and language of devices used to access our website and geographic location. Other data we may collect include, web page views, photos and other data provided by users, account preferences, and browser cookies. 

 Use of data

 These data are used for preventing abuse of our site, for account creation purposes, personalizing user experience and to foster communication among users.  

 Data protection

In order to protect your privacy, we do not share your data with third-party institutions and take precautions to avoid access to your data by unauthorized persons/institutions. We also do not send unsolicited web links to users.

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact as using the Contact us form. 

Do you have more questions? Contact us